Sacred Arts Massage Therapy is healing personified by Joanne Levi, L.M.T.

Joanne has been providing the highest quality massage therapy and healing bodywork to people throughout the greater Dayton area for twenty-one years.

Joanne began her journey to being a highly skilled massage therapist in 1984 as she went to work for Estee Lauder at the Elder-Beerman Northwest store. She quickly developed a reputation as a highly respected makeup artist in the city as people came to the counter to get their makeup and skincare needs met with precision and expertise. Even Estee Lauder herself took note of the buzz that quickly grew out of Joanne’s work, sending Joanne a card to encourage her to “keep making America beautiful.”

Joanne Levi

Joanne Levi

Joanne continues to live in the Dayton area, making her home in Kettering, and is looking forward to supporting you on your journey to health and healing.

Joanne then went on to become a professional makeup artist and aesthetician and earned her degree in massage therapy from the Self Health School of Medical Massage. Joanne is a certified Reiki Master, and practices a wide array of bodywork and massage therapy, including:

  • CranioSacral Therapy

  • Swedish Massage

  • Myofascial Release

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage - upper and lower quadrant

  • Trigger Point Therapy

  • Reiki/Seichim Reiki/ Energy Work

  • Aromatherapy Massage

  • Skincare Treatments


Joanne’s Massage studio

In addition to physical improvements, many clients also find that they experience deep emotional healing, better sleep, the alleviation of depression and anxiety, and more efficient exercise and daily function following their treatments.

While these treatments certainly induce relaxation, they are ideal for supporting physical recovery from injury, accompanying a physical therapy regimen, and managing challenging conditions such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and many other painful conditions. Numerous physical therapists have noticed the profound impact of Joanne’s work on their patients and now refer patients to Joanne for healing work as a complement to allopathic medical approaches.